jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011

Guys of D-Tent (Camp Green Lake)

                        GUYS OF D-TENT (CAMP GREEN LAKE)

There are 9 guys in D-Tent :

    - Caveman (Shia LaBeouf) : this boy didn't steal the shoes ! He's a good man.
    - Zero (Khleo Thomas) : this little guy stole a pair of shoes !
    - Squid (Jake M. Smith) : He used to skip school and break into homes in this neighborhood , stealing loose change and cans of soda.
    - ZigZag (Max Kasch) : he's all over the place. He's crazy, but he's a good guy.
    - Magnet (Miguel Castro) : he stole a dog !
    - X-Ray (Brenden Jefferson) : he's the leader of the group. Squid'll always do what he tells.
    - Armpit (Byron Cotton) : his armpits are really really stinky.
    - Twitch (Noah Poletiek) : this little boy has a strange twitch when he see a nice car.
    - Barfbag (Zane Holtz) : a snake bit him and he went to the hospital.

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