viernes, 11 de febrero de 2011


                                   ZIGZAG'S PAST

"Come here Ricky, come here baby," she croons looking out toward the burning house. A little boy stands in the doorway holding a teddy bear to his chest and walking into the driveway. A beam from the roof falls sending sparks outward like a wave. He runs to the woman and hides his face in her skirt for comfort. He isn't a second too soon, just a few seconds later the house crumples to the ground like an empty garbage bag. Giving in to the flames and the smoke. The woman picks him up, holding him to her. "Ricky" is safe now. She tries to soothe the cries for his mother. She whispers sweetly to him and carries him to the ambulance. He clutches the teddy bear to his chest and she sits him down on the cot. "It's OK Ricky. I'm coming too. I'll follow in the car, I promise," she says as he stares at her mournfully. She closes the doors and the vehicle starts up, leaving her standing in the driveway amongst a dozen firemen and a lot of neighbors. Her eyes follow the vehicle until it has passed the curb, passed the place she can't see anymore.
That's the only thing Ricky took with him from the fire. That memory...the teddy bear has been long forgotten in the four years that have passed. He remembers hardly anything about March, 22nd 1986 but he knows that's when his parents died and left him with "Pretty Lady" Linda and her husband Frederick. Ricky is seven now. The doctors say it is amazing that he can still remember that scene so perfectly from 1986. He remembers the smell of smoke, the heat of flames, the terrified screams of the neighbors, and his parents. But he can't remember their faces. That he can't remember. Classmates call him strange, weird, crazy, but he isn't. He is just different.
Fire is feared by most people. Ricky feared fire too. He feared fire more than anything else in life. He burned things though, all of the time. He tried to tame the flames. But soon enough he learned that fire cannot be tamed. Ricky had never been burnt. He had, however, heard about his parents, and of course been there when they died at the swords of the flames and lost their home to them.
Every day when Linda comes home she sees Ricky, sitting on the couch, blanket pulled up around his shoulders for 'protection' (despite the hot summers) and eyes glued to the television. She believed in privacy, so she never went into his room. If she did she would find: used matches, armies of melted soldiers and blackened papers. Things that couldn't withstand the power of the fire. Like Ricky's life and his parents. Ricky had learned the concept of fire at an early age, something that would stay with him forever.
He didn't remember his parents much. People would tell him how nice they were, how sweet and helpful. Nice didn't help him now. They were dead, and dead is dead, no matter if you were a serial killer or a blonde three year old's parents when you died. His 'new' parents Linda and Fred were nice people. They bought him anything he wanted, but they were young and busy. They didn't have time for a kid. Ricky was left alone, day after day with just the television as his friend and fire as his enemy. Hours each day were spent on watching television and pretending that people on the other side of the screen were his family. Ricky watched TV every day, every day except March 22nd.
On March 22nd Ricky would skip school and go somewhere to be alone. Then as it got dark he would find something to burn, something nobody cared about. Something bigger than what he burned in his room. Most of the time he would buy something for himself too. Something to show that he had survived the flames another year, and the flames hadn't gotten him yet.
Ricky was sure that someday fire was going to get him, and as his fear for fire grew, he began to fear everything. He constantly heard someone over his shoulder. "Following him" and "watching him". More and more time he spent in front of the television and more and more his grades dropped.
When Ricky turned 10 he got a little sister, and a tutor. He couldn't spend time watching television as much. His paranoia got worse. Finally when he was 13 years old he was diagnosed with "acute paranoia." He was getting good grades but he had developed a mental disorder. He constantly pretended to watch TV in the absence of actually watching it. The more he worked on school, the worse his paranoia got, the worse it got, the more he burned. Finally on the anniversary of his parent's deaths in 1998 he cracked
He went into the school yard carrying a lighter and a few pieces of styrofoam and began to burn small pieces. In seconds the fire was burning out of control. Ricky stared at the portable classroom the fire was devouring and clutched the TV Guide that he bought for the anniversary to his chest like the teddy bear in his memory. He waited for the flames to take him but they never did. He was rescued by a fireman and taken to jail.
Now he is in Camp Green Lake Juvenile Correctional Facility.


                                                SQUID'S STORY

  It was a cold windy night, and there was one tiny house at the end of a downtown street. It was the bad side of would steal anything that you kept out in the open. The one tiny house was dark and old. The windows were cracked and the door was nailed with wood hiding holes behind it. Inside a mother and her son is snuggling by a fire, in thier old wood burning stove. The mom looks about 21 holding a 3 yr. old little boy. The little boy is sleeping in her arms while she starts crying cuddiling the child. Suddenly the boy is awoken from the tears of his mother.
"Whats wrong mommy?"
She looked at her son imediatly and wiped the tears from her eyes.
"Nothing..sweety go back to sleep."She said gently.
He closed his eyes and layed back down in her pulled the blanket as much as she could over him.
"It's ok my darling, everything will be ok..."She said gently as she brushed his bains to the side.
"We'll be fine Alan..mommy can take care of everything."
She stared up in a daze at the door which her husband just left her.
HE actually wasn't her husband, just her son's needed the child support after Alan was they always got in fights and he'd always leave in the middle of the night...BUT this time HE left for GOOD.
Alan was playing outside, and it was almost luch time.
"Alan!Honey come in for lunch!"Alans mom yelled as she walked back in the house. She always had Alan play close to the house, as in FRONT YARD was always afraid that if she took one eye off of him he'd little boy opened the creaky door and walked toward his mom.
"What do we have for lunch today?"Alan asked as he jumped up on the chair by the table.
"A tasty, deliciouse peanut butter sandwhich!"She said as she gently tickled him and placed the plate on the table.
"Again?"He asked.
"Sorry sweety, but thats all we have.."She sat down at the started to eat his sandwhich but than paused.
"Mommy, where's daddy?"he asked.
"He should be home any minute..."She said upsetedly.
"I heard you yelling at him on the phone."Alan said as he shook his legs back and forth.
"How'd you know it was him?"
"Mommy Im three and a half...I know things."He said with a mischevious smile.
"Why you little..."She started tickiling him and he just started giggling..
"I love you mommy.."Alan said as soon as she mom just smiled and shook her fealt that he was the only person she could count on...and that was her son!As soon as he walked out of the room she heard the old pickup truck drive up in the driveway.
"DADDY'S HOME!"Alan went yelling as he ran out the door to see his followed Alan out the door and stopped to watch him excitedly walk up and jump on his dad's heard Alan giggling happily and than wave at waved back..remembering ever since Alan was born he was so always saw him laughing or smiling he was the happiest little boy she ever met.
"Mommy!Is it ok if I go to the store with Daddy to get cigarettes?"Alan yelled as he ran to his mom.
"What?"She said gently.
"But why not..?"He asked disapointed.
"That just isn't a good place for..."She glanced up at her son's father,"a little boy to go.."She said angrily.
"Hey,I'll bring him right back!"He yelled.
"I said no!"She answered.
"Fine I'll just go get icecream!"He said angrily as he jumped back in his pick up truck.
"Daddy, can I go with you..."He walked up to the truck and glanced at his father.
"Sorry buddy, but your mom won't let me take ya anywhere.."He said as he ruffled his son's hair.
"Your ma never let me take ya anywhere, and she never will."
Tears came from the three year olds eyes.
"But.."The boy started to say.
"Alan don't worry, I'll be back buddy!"He gave Alan a fake smile and started the last words that Alan heard come from his fathers mouth was"What flavor ya want?"
~~End Flashback~~
She knew he left for good this time because about an hour later he called and asked to talk to asked where he was but wouldn't heard him say "Let me talk to my Son ONE LAST TIME!"She wouldn't let him..that was the last thing she wanted to see was to see her little boy yelled at her and said things to her she'd never heard hung up the phone and just watched out the window at her child happily running and playing eyes filled with tears she started crying hysterickly as she watched outside.
The boy was still asleep in her arms when she got up to carry him to his set Alan on his tiny bed with only one toy laying there.A rubber octopus his dad gave him for his 3rd loved that octopus, he played with it whenever he had the pulled the covers over her tiny son and set the octopus next to the boy reached out and grabbed the octopus and whispered "Daddy..."In his mom stared at her beautiful son. She loved him but, was scared, scared of a lot of since Alan was born, no family supported even her own parents...Alan was born when she was 18 during her senior year...and it just ruined her now had no money, and knew they probably would loose the only house they had...she just couldn't take reached out and picked up and held onto Alan's little came from her eyes as she noticed how much Alan resembled remembered hearing it from a lot of people but it never met anything until both had Dark brown thickesh hair,Brown eyes, and the best smiled as she remembered when Alan first smiled, but the memory washed out of her head as she stood up and walked out of the room.
"Goodnight Alan, I love you..."She closed the door quietly and walked out.
9yrs. later...
Years have gone by and Alan's mom just stopped caring about soon as she picked up acohol that was it...
His dad never did come now live in a special home for single mothers who need financial thier children get 's now in 7th grade..well whenever he decides to go to school...
"Come on are ya in Nick?Or are ya chikenin out?"Alan asked his friend.
"Fine, Im in But do ya remember how much trouble we got in last time?My ma might not let me hang out with you anymore."His friend explained.
"Don't worry we won't get me,"Alan asured him.
"Ok,"They gave eachother a hand shake and walked off.
The clock struck midnight as Alan walked past his drunken mother sleeping on the curses too herself, Alan walked over her to the opened the door and left.
"Well do ya got it?"Asked a shadow in the distance.
"Oh, yeah!"Alan answered as he threw a bag at the shadow.
"Cool, lets get this over with,"Said the shadow which turned out to be Alan's friend Nick.
They sneeked behind a giant building and disapeared.
The next morning kids were all crowded around the wall on the side of the school.
"Wow look at that!"Yelled one kid.
"Whoever did this is gonna get in a lotta trouble,"said another kid.
"Whats going on?"Yelled the principal as the kids scattered away from the wall.
"Who did this?"Asked the principal as he stared at the wall was covered in pictures saying things like "School sucks" and "Our Principal is a loser,"Also had pictures with rude markings and other obscene principals face was a bright red after that alive with walked up to a teacher with his teeth clentched..."Find out who did this and, send them to my office right away!"He stormed off to his office.
Somehow teachers always find out who does something are still trying to figure that out!But as soon as they found out They sent Alan and Nick to the principals office.
"I didn't do anything!"Yelled Nick as the principal closed the door as they sat down.
"I think you two are equally guilty..."The principal said angrily.
"Even though I've heard many students complain about you Alan..."The pricipal glared at Alan."How many times have you been in here this year Alan?"
"Ummm...I Lost count after ten..."Alan said as he looked up at the principal.
"Ok...Nick you can leave..BUT Alan stay here."The principal stayed seated as Nick left the room.
"Alan your in 7th grade?"Asked the principal.
"Ya.."Answered Alan."So.."
"Your only in 7th grade and you've already got quite a criminal record.."The principal answered as he got up and walked over to the boy.
"Do ya wanna ruin your life?Huh?Do ya!"The principal yelled angrily as he stared at the glared at him like he just wanted to knock him out.
"Your files say ya like to sneek into people's this true?"Asked the principal about two inches away from his face.
"Ya.."He answered as he clutched his hand into a fist.."And I also like to do THIS!"Alan punched the principal in the stomach than the principal fell to the floor and Alan kicked him in the ran out of the office and ran out of the before he knew it the police had him at the station with the principal all bruised up.
"Ya know your in a lota trouble, buddy!"Yelled one of the police officers.
"Don't call me buddy..."He whispered angrily at the officer.
"Don't back talk me Boy!"Yelled the officer as he grabbed the boys arm.
A officer walked in with a clipboard and stared angrily at Alan.
"We've gotta lot a charges on you.."Said the 2nd officer as he silently read the principal with a blackened, bruised eye, and bloody lip, stared at Alan.
"Nothing a little comunity service can't take care of."Answered the officer with the clip board.
"And therapy..."The principal whispered to himself.
Than soon after that they took Alan to his very own grafitti work and made him clean it.
He was such a happy little boy but that changes all to quickly.
His mom still loved him But she just couldn't show was drunk, he was bad, and his dad was gone.
And he didn't know that with everything he was doing was going to force him to go to the worst camp just 5 yrs...
"I love you mom..but do you still love me?"Alan said to himself in his room a day before he turned turned away and walked out of the room his little boy smile was gone..exchanged for a badboy who only wanted attention.
","He said as he left the stared one last glance at his mother and left.

    Alan walked away from what he called home knowing no one cared.
He was going to be 17yrs. in just a day...he didn't walked down his downtown street and stared at all the happy families walking mattered to him anymore,he stuck his hands in his pockets and walked down the cold pathway,leading to a stared at all the merchandise as he walked past the stared in the windows knowing that none of that stuff could or would ever be after he finished staring he continued to walk and ran into a old lady carying her purse and store bags.
"Watch it.."She said angrily as she bent down to pick up the bags she just glared at her, and she hurried off.
But before Alan continued he noticed something on the ground.
"The old lady's wallet..who would've known,"He said with a pesky smile.
"Well,I guess this is mine, now..that old lady had what was coming to her.."He picked up the wallet and opened it up.
"10, 20, 30..."He counted the money.
"Holy crap!Thers' a thousand dollars in here!"His hands shaking he put the wallet in his never had that much money in his WHOLE continued walking while deep in was thinking of what he should buy...
Until he walked right by his childhood store...
"My ma use to take me here.."He said to glared at it for a second and than walked the opposite toy store had a lot of memories...not all good remembered one time when his mom left him there for a whole day.
He was 7yrs old...he was so she came back she was drunk with a alchohol bottle in her didn't remember what kind of liquor it just knew she went there grabbed him and screamed at yelled at him for not being with her when she left, and just for being her night is when Alan got his first scar, his mom pulled him in the car and got dangerously mad at got so mad that she hit little Alan in the head with the liquor bottle she had in her broke on his head and scared him bad, blood dripped from his did Alan's mother do about it?Nothing...she left him in the car had to help himself to first aid and than to bed.
Alan's eye's filled with tears as he felt the scar on his head from which his mother remembered how much his mom use to love him and comfort him..."Why'd that have to change.."He asked himself swallowing wiped his tears, it was so cold his tears were stared up at the stars and wished that things could be as happy as they were when he was Alan his childhood ended early, as soon as his mom started drinking he had to care for he was burning up with a fever..who cared?That was exactly the question going around in his head.
"No one.."He answered to continued to walk until he saw a pretty nice house.
"I wander if they're home?"He asked lights were out so he expected nobody was walked around to the driveway and saw no cars parked in the was nothing better to why not sneek in?He's snuck into so many neiborhood houses before, so how would this be any walked up to the house, to the window...and broke in.
It was quiet in the nice,old was pitch dark, he searched for a light and switched it looked around, he was in the living saw a bunch of priceless stuff, and was so interested HE Just had to take something!He looked around and grabbed for the nearest thing.A gold, diamond ring...he shoved it in his walked back to the window he climbed through to go back through."I betta get back home,"He said as he slid through the window."If I could call it that,"Alan before he could even make it through the window, he felt a sharp pain to the back of his fell on his eyes...he fainted.
Alan woke up in a police station.
"Oh, great not aga'n,"He tiredly and angrily said.
He got up his head pounding with a angry police officer staring right at smiled innocently as he knew why he was there.
"Why you smiling..Huh?WHY!"The police officer yelled.
"You don't know how much trouble your in!"Yelled the officer.
This was no threat to Alan, cause everytime he ended up at the police station,they always said the same thing...
"Whatever.."Alan answered police officer just glared at him.
"You better shut your mouth boy, your already in ENOUGH trouble."Answered the officer than Alan noticed he was being held in sat up straighter as he heard someone come was the old lady he ran into earlier, why was she here?
"Alan, what we're you doing in house?You gave her quite a scare."Said a second officer who walked in.
"I was uhh...ya see...I.."Alan started explaining but couldn't get the words out.
"I believe he stole something of mine!"Yelled .
"Now don't point any fingers, Alan did you TAKE anything from her house?"Asked the 2nd officer.
"I didn't steal, nothing."Alan replied angrily.
"I know he did!I can just tell!He was up to something when I bumped into him earlier."Insisted the old rolled his eyes.
"And right after I left the store, my precious wallet was missing!And...and Im pretty sure he took it!"Yelled the woman pointing a bony finger at Alan.
"Shut up, you old witch, ya deserved anything ANYTHING that was coming to you!"Yelled Alan his own head he was yelling at himself for blurting that 's always done that he needed to learn to think before he spoke.
"ALAN!DON'T YOU DARE TALK TO THAT WAY!"Yelled the first glared at Alan and than told him to stand up!
"Search him!I bet you'll find what Im missing."Reported searched his pockets and pulled out the wallet and a small, gold diamond ring.
"YOU DIRTY THIEF!"She yelled."That's my wallet and wedding ring!"She glared at Alan.
"Here you go ma'm,"Said the 1st officer as he roughly grabbed the things and placed them in .Nieves walked up to Alan and right in his face said.."Im pressing charges.."She stared at him as she left the Alan could do was stare into the darkness, his head pounding, and hands cuffed "Why?"He asked himself...

    People say a mother always knows when her childs crying, and in fear...For Alan that isn't true 's been crying in pain for the last 14 yrs. and his mom never came to comfort him.
Alan walked out of the office of the police hands still cuffed.
"Come on Boy!"Yelled the 1st officer at officer grabbed Alans arm and yanked him.
"I think when hit ya in the head for self defense,it really effected you."Laughed the just stared angrily at the officer stared back and pulled him along.
"Come on, hurry up, your ma's waitin"Answered the officer back as they walked through a hallway to the main waiting there she was, waiting there hair was in a knatted ponytail, she was really fidgety,and a cigarette was in her smoke from it was puffing in and out really 's mom lost her beautiful mother look over the years,so she looked like a woman in actually thought to himself that she looked like she could be IN jail.
"Here's your juvenile delinquet ma'm,"The officer said as he uncuffed Alan and put his hand out as to ask for something.
"Oh...oh yes..bail money,.."Alans mom answered as she shakingly opened her tiny purse and took out five thousnd officer left and Alans mother grabbed her sons arm and started walking out.
"Where did ya get that kinda money?"Asked Alan suspiciously angry.
"Alan!Shut up!JUST Shutup!"Yelled his were now standing out in the parking lot in front of an old station wagon.
"Ok..."Alan answered confused.
"Just get in the car."She whispered angrily as she jumped in the drivers seat.
"Where'd ya get the car?"Alan asked still confused.
"I borowed it!Cant you tell!Just don't talk to me..."Alan knew this was the time that he should keep his loud mouth was way taller than his mother, but would never challenge his mom.
"Alan,you shame me so bad! I can't even consider you my son!"She yelled as she started the old car.
"I don't know why you do this!YOU NEED TO LEARN TO ACT YOUR AGE!"She screamed almost just stared at her in disbelief at what she was was yelling at HIM to act his age when she was getting drunk like everyday.
He grinded his teeth staring at his mother driving and screaming curses at him.
"Sometimes I wish you just never existed!"She yelled at her almost 17 year old.
"I'll be Glad when your sent off to jail."She stopped the car in the parking lot of the "special home".She got out of the car and slammed the door, leaving her son in the car.
A week later was Alans trial, he sat in there and sat as far away from his mom he She sat as far away from trial was going bad for Alan, all the witnesses they had were against him, even his own mom.
"So Alan, what do you plead?"Asked the stared directly at his mom and said,
He didn't care what happened to him, cause they didn't care what happened, and she didn't was unloved and felt no point to have a future, or even life.
"Well,there's been lots of complains against you..."The judge stared at Alan."So you have a choice, you can go to jail or there's an exception..."Said the judge as he put on his glasses and picked up a packet of papers.
"There's an opening at Camp Greenlake, where they help troubled youth,like you,"Build Character" what'll it be?"
The judge stared at the boy not taking an eye off him.
"I don't care.."Answered Alan, cause he REALLY didn't care.
"I suggest Camp Greenlake...sounds like the perfect place for you.."The judge whispered as he looked at Alan in disgust.
"Fine, whatever.."Alan glared at his mother,"I'll be happy to get out of this cruddy town.."
"Ok, 24 months Camp Greenlake,... Now take that scum outta here!"The judge shouted as he left the police officers grabbed Alan roughly, and handcuffed just watched as his mother spat in his direction and walked out, not even saying Goodbye.
"Goodritens..."Alan whispered as he walked out with the cops.
The officers took him to his room in the "Special Home"
"Pack your bags!Your gonna be there for a long time.."The police officer said as he shoved Alan in his officers wouldn't take an eye off him, so that he wouldn't run away.
He grabbed a bag and stuffed clothes in it,and than zipped it up.
"Let's get goin!"Yelled the officer as they took the handcuffs back right before Alan left he grabbed the small,rubber shoved it in his pocket and walked out of his room.
The old greenlake bus pulled up, they told Alan to get in there and sit in the front listened, not very happy, but listened.A guard from the Camp was placed across the row from him, holding a sat down, not frightened, just confused.
"Why do ya have a gun, ya gonna shoot me?"There went Alans BIG mouth guard just stared at him and than looked bus door was shut, and the long bus drive began.

    The bus drive seemed like it took forever, it was getting hotter every mile. Alan just stared out of the dusty, old window. He wondered how there could be any camp out in the dessert, especially one called Camp GreenLake. The bus entered a little area, where there was buildings and a little bit of green, which was by a little cabin. The bus came to a complete stop, and the door opened. Alan got up with his bag and walked out into the hot, dry desert. The guard shoved him and said in a raspy voice,"This way.." Alan followed the guard into one of the buildings, where a man was sitting, smoking a cigarette.
"Sit down,"The man said. Alan did what he was told, he didn't like this place, but he was guessing it was his new home for the next 2 years.
"Alan, Your quite the troublemaker...ain't you?"The man stared at a clipboard and then back at the boy.
"Don't've come to the right place,"He answered as he took the cigarette out of his mouth and stood up.
"My name is , whenever you decide to speak to me you must adress me by my that clear?"The man asked staring right at Alan. Alan looked at him almost giving out a little laugh.
"? What kinda name is that?"Alan blurted out. just stared at him, angrily he walked up to the boy and got in his face.
"You wanna start sumthin' boy?Do ya?Ya starten your life here to a pretty bad start." hit Alans chair.
"Follow me," said as he exited the building. They walked into another small area, where there was bags and clothes, grabbed Alans bag, and put two orange jumpsuites in his hands.
"Get dressed," mumbled as he started explaining the rules of Camp Greenlake. He explained the showers, and when they wash thier clothes, and also what they do everyday, dig 5ft. holes. Alan was getting rather annoyed at talking, it was bothering him, he just wanted him to shutup. He understood the rules but all did was talk, talk, talk.
"Will you shut up? I understand the stupid rules!"Mr. Sir stared hard at the boy.
"What?" angriley stared at the boy who was now fully dressed in the jumpsuite.
"I see your mouth moving, but all I here is blah, blah, blah,"Alan said angrily as he moved his hand along with what he was saying. glared at him,
"Lets get ya to your tent.."He whispered.

   Alan followed , was already mad at him before and now even more. said he was going to be in D-tent with three other boys. Alan didn't care, no one cared. A short man, with a beard came walking towards them.
"Im your counsiler,"He gave a cheep, week smile to Alan.
"Alan you will be very appreciated, in the Dilligence tent!"He exclaimed. walked off he dealt with that boy enough.
Alan looked at funny, dilligence? How lame is that...Alan thought.
"Let me take you to meet the other boys!"He motioned to Alan to follow him. They walked into one of the tents, and there was three dirty, tired boys. One was sleeping, one was laying on his cot staring at the cieling, and one was sitting on the floor doing nothing.
"Boys!This is Alan He will be sharing this tent with you for the next two years," yelled. The two awake boys just tiredly stared at the "new kid." Alan looked at them, and then around the tent.
walked up to the boy sitting on the ground.
"Alan, this is Theodore,"He pointed to the boy staring at the cieling."Thats Rex," And then he pointed to the sleeping boy,
"And thats Louis. The boy that was staring at the cieling sat up and shook his head.
"Naw, ya got it all wrong! Im X-ray, thats Armpit and thats Barfbag!"He answered pointing to the other two kids as well.
"They all have nicknames they go by, but you don't have to listen to that,"He answered.
"Mom, ya know we go by nicknames and not no, REAL names."The boy on the floor added.
"Well, I'll let ya boys get aquainted, its almost dinner time!"He left. Alan fealt uncomfortable with all the boys staring at him, he turned away and picked a cot to roughly throw himself on. He hated this place, heck he hated the world!

   "Hey, uhhh, new kid whats up with you?"asked the one they called Armpit. Alan just stuffed his face in his pillow,
"Leave me alone,"He mummbled. They shook thier heads, the new kid was strange. They walked out of the tent, Alan sat up, light headed, he disliked this place and he didn't really like anyone who he had come in contact with that day either. He pulled the toy octopus out of his pocket and threw it in one of the unused crates. He couldn't sleep so he walked out of the tent to look around.
"Hey! New Kid! Come here!"Yelled the one who called himself X-ray. Alan walked up to him,
"What?"He angriley asked.
"Woah, whats wrong wit' you?"X asked, Alan stayed silent.
"All we wanted to know is if ya wanted to hang with us,"The boy smiled as he looked at his two other friends. Alan still stayed silent. They just looked at him and shook thier heads.
"Ya don't talk much do ya?"The one called, Barfbag asked. Alan kinda smirked at that comment, he was the opposite of that, people normally had to get him to keep his mouth shut. He was about to say something until yelled for D-tent to report to him, for the little "chat" they had almost all the time. The four boys walked over,
"Good, you boys know what its time for?OF Course ya do!"He smiled,"Now, lets sit in a circle." They unfolded some fold up chairs and sat around.
"So Alan, your the newest here, why don't you tell us how you got here?" looked at him. Alan looked at them all,
"I was at the wrong place, at the wrong time,"He answered,
"And thats all I'll tell you,"He added, Alan didn't feel like telling his whole story. After he said that Mr.P went around the circle asking wierd questions until it was finally over. Alan walked into the tent.
"Hey, whats with the octopus...Alan?"Asked Barfbag as he glanced into Alans crate. Alan squinted his eyes,
"Nothin', just nothin',"He answered. X-ray looked at him,
"Your such a Squid,"

jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011


                                   SQUID (JAKE M. SMITH)

Jake M. Smith was born in Queens. New York, USA on September, 14, 1984 . He grew up there. He was born in Hospital Lenox Hill. At age two, he and his mother moved to Boston, where his mom worked as an actress in the theatre. Then it was back to Queens for school for Jake. Jake didn't do too much until he was 8, when he starred in his first play at a theatre where his mother had started acting. Then he began taking any acting job he could find at school, off Broadway, or for old theatre friends of his mother's who needed a kid. When Jake was 12, he received a call from a friend of his mother's about open casting calls for that summer's Shakespeare in the Park Festival, which is one of the most respected theatre jobs you could get. Very exciting for Jake. Well, as you can guess, he got the role and from there, things went uphill. He got some press coverage and spoke to several agents, including Innovative Artists, whom he is signed with currently and has been with them for the past six years. With them, he has worked on plays, movies, TV, commercials, and books on tape. Over the years, he was able to work on a lot of different projects - Law and Order, Law and Order SVU, Third Watch, about a dozen independent movies, four plays, and 2 commercials, but the list goes on. Then came Holes.Jake's agent called with an audution for Holes, and he got the part for Squid. Jake's said he knew he was lucky - the casting went all over the country. He's found some friends on the set as well, and feels like they were family. After Holes wrapped, Jake still had work to do - a Public Service Announcement for MTV, and a short independent film, Disposal.

Here are some more fast facts about Jake:

  • Has two cats in NY, The Dude and Kafka
  • Has a dog who travels with him named Lilly, a 6 month old Hungarian Vizsla
  • Favorite color is blue
  • Is a METs fan
  • Listens to all kinds of music
  • Favourite TV shows are the Simpsons, Boston Public, and the Wire
  • Drives a lexus sc300
  • Some favorite movies are Empire of the sun, Up in smoke, Rounders, Scarface, and Milo and Otis

  • Interview with Jake

    What's your favorite kind of music?
    I really like all music to tell ya the truth, I listen to a lot of Hip Hop-Blues-Oldie music like the Beatles and the band I can't get enough Bob Marley and the Tribe called Quest-I listen to like everything there is.

    What's your favorite color?

    Do you have any pets?
    I have a dog, named Lilly, and two cats back in New York named The Dude and Kafka

    Where do you currently live?
    As I write this letter I live in LA but I am back and fourth from LA to New York where I grew up in Queens
    Are you planning on doing any new films? Well, I am kind of taking a break right now, but I am looking at some new films to do this summer

    Boxers or briefs?
    Straight boxers

    Are you at all like your character in Holes?
     Well, I am kind of a smart ass like Squid, but I saw Squid as a mean and frustrated kid that bullied people around to make himself feel good-I am nothing like that I am the nice guy. I am the guy you see helping people on the side of the road, or lifting a heavy thing for an old person. And I guess I am funny, people always say that "Jake you are a funny, funny guy" I like to make people smile but don't get me wrong I can have my bad days like everyone else
    Who was your favorite person to work with on Holes?
    I liked working with everyone. All the people were great. The people on set were like family to me.

    If you weren't an actor, what would you want to be?
    Oh I don't know I would like to be something cool like uhh… work in the zoo or be the guy who changes the lights on the empire State Building!! No, I would like to teach or work on a farm something physical!

    What was the dumbest thing you've ever done?
    I had just finished ironing my shirt, I put it on and saw a big wrinkle down the front, so like an idiot I picked up the iron and pressed it up against my chest. Steam came out and I burned myself. I still have a little scar.

    What's your view on the war?
    I don't believe in killing personally, but if my government feels the way to get Sadam out is war! Then there's nothing I guess I can do but hope that no innocent people get hurt in the process.

    What kind of car do you have?
    Lexus SC300

IInfo on Jake
Name: Jacob Merton Smith
DOB: 9/14/84
Where: Queens, New York
Eye color/hair: Brown/Brown
Current Location: Back and fourth from LA, California to Queens, New York
Music: All types

Color: Blue

Holes-Squid a.k.a. Alan (2003)
Model Sinner
Sleepy Hollow

TV appearances:
Law and Order
Law and Order: SUV
The Third Watch

Jake M. Smith was born and lived in Queens, New York for his entire childhood. Smith a world traveler at a young age because his mother was an actress. He picked up acting for himself and starred in many independent films. Best known for the movie Holes, which was shot this year, while he was 18.

Guys of D-Tent (Camp Green Lake)

                        GUYS OF D-TENT (CAMP GREEN LAKE)

There are 9 guys in D-Tent :

    - Caveman (Shia LaBeouf) : this boy didn't steal the shoes ! He's a good man.
    - Zero (Khleo Thomas) : this little guy stole a pair of shoes !
    - Squid (Jake M. Smith) : He used to skip school and break into homes in this neighborhood , stealing loose change and cans of soda.
    - ZigZag (Max Kasch) : he's all over the place. He's crazy, but he's a good guy.
    - Magnet (Miguel Castro) : he stole a dog !
    - X-Ray (Brenden Jefferson) : he's the leader of the group. Squid'll always do what he tells.
    - Armpit (Byron Cotton) : his armpits are really really stinky.
    - Twitch (Noah Poletiek) : this little boy has a strange twitch when he see a nice car.
    - Barfbag (Zane Holtz) : a snake bit him and he went to the hospital.